Golf Information

Golf Core Exercises For More Power

Golf core exercises. You hear that phrase quite often on the television by the commentators referring to the area a lot of the touring pros focus on to improve their power output and prevent low back injuries.

Golf Tips ? Tips to Improve Your Putting

If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will never make the next level. My Dad told me the famous quote when I was probably about 12 or 13, ?Drive for show putt for dough?, this says it all! That is why it is quite incredible that putting is not often concentrated on.

A Golf Fitness Coach Equals Great Golf

Golf fitness coach. Have you ever considered one?and if so, what exactly were you looking for? There are many ?general fitness? trainers trying to get a piece of the golf fitness and training market that seems to be rapidly gaining exposure both on the television and in print thanks to Tiger, Vijay and Annika.

Increase Golf Swing Speed Easily

Golf swing speed is an elusive term for most amateur golfers. We?ve all heard of it and know it relates somehow to longer drives, but how can we increase golf swing speed quickly and effectively?

What Do the Core and the Golf Swing Have in Common Part II?

In part one of this article we discussed the core and its relation to the golf swing. A quick review of the information in article one will indicate a definitive connection between the ?athletic movements? of a golf swing and the core section of the body. Prior to beginning this article let us take a brief moment to review information provided in the first article on this topic.

What Are the Best Exercises for the Golfer?

With all the talk about the players on tour getting stronger and more flexible, we hear a lot about exercising for golf from television commentators and read about it in the golf publications. But what exactly are the best exercises for the amateur golfer?

My Golf Disaster

Although I was never picked for sports teams as a kid, I always thought that golf would be far easier than all the others as it required very little physical exertion in regards to chasing a ball up and down a field for 90 minutes while opponents try to take the legs out from under you.

Try Developing Your Own Golf Style

Some golf beginners think that all they have to do is copy Ernie Els, Tiger Woods or whoever their favorite golfer might be and bam, immediate golf success!

Golf Club Componets: Playing Golf The Lego Set Way

To understand how to buy golf club components, you first need to know how these parts work and what they are in the first place. So let?s begin in this way. If you know the parts already, treat this portion as a short review of Golf 101.

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