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1 Powerful Strategy To Craft Your Article For Maximum Readership

Do you know one of the most powerful marketing techniques to getfree publicity? It does not involve any optimization for thesearch engines or any bidding for the pay per clicks. The answeris that simple and it's called article writing.

Many marketers have recognised the true power of writing articlesas a means to get free publicity and marketing their businesses.The problem is that not everyone can be 100% sure to besuccessful with this method because although writing articlesmay seem to be easy, it is not in the sense that you don'tjust need to produce an article but you need a quality one.Then you need to reach a large audience of people interested inreading your articles and this is why your articles need to begood.

As a result, you have more chances in getting these people toclick on your website link in your author bio or bylines at theend of your articles. This means traffic and potentialsubscribers or sales.

The real value of this marketing strategy is to get yourarticles distributed to as many websites on the Internet aspossible or even newsletters and to get read of course.Submitting to article directories or article banks are alsoa profitable way to get your articles picked up by otherwebsites and webmasters.

Getting your articles read is absolutely crucial because what'sthe point of having your articles on hundreds or thousands ofwebsites if noone is interested to read them. If people don'tread them, you won't get any traffic because they won't evenbother to click on your website link in your author bylines.

So how do you increase your chances in attracting a maximumreadership for your articles? The answer might surprise you.It's your article title, simple as that. You might have thebest written article but if you have a poor title that doesnot arouse any interest or curiosity, you have dramaticallyreduced your chances to get a maximum readership and potentialclicks to your website.

Some good examples of powerful article titles can be:

(1) 5 Powerful Ways To Generate Loads Of visitors WithoutSpending A Dime
(2) 2 Search Engine Optimization Strategies That Have NeverBeen Revealed Before
(3) 1 Simple Thing That You Are Neglecting On Your Site ThatIs Costing You Thousands In Lost Sales

These titles are "how to" titles and are among the mostpowerful to get maximum readership.

So here you have it. If you are writing articles but are notseeing any real benefit, try creating an eye-catching titlefor every new article that you write and of course a goodintroduction, body, conclusion and get it distributed to asmany sites and newsletters as possible.

With time when you will have all your quality articlesscattered across hundreds or thousands of sites, you will seethe true power and potential of getting a signicant amount offree long lasting traffic from your articles.

So now you have no excuse not to get a better return oninvestment(ROI) from your articles.

This article can be freely published on a website as long asit's not modified in any way including the author bylines,plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is the editor of Web Biz Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe today for powerful marketing tips and receive his new PDF eBook "3 SureFire Ways To Start An InternetBusiness And Strategies To Promote It"

Visit his Internet Marketing Resource website.

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