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Motivation Information

Are You A Visionary

Dreams may seem unimportant in your quest for success. And it?s true that ordinary dreams are often a mix of what happened during your day --plus some ?wild? random associations.

Secrets to Motivating Yourself and Others

There is hardly anything more personal that what motivates each of us to perform in a work environment. Here?s some insight into how to choose the best ?carrot? to motivate both yourself ... and others.

Mindfulness and Birthdays: Surprising Moments

The first week of May is a big birthday time for my family. My husband's birthday is May 3rd, and my oldest daughter's is May 6th.

Victorious Living

How are things going for you? Are you sitting on top of the world or at the bottom of a pile of problems? Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth or raised on the wrong side of the tracks? Do you say that life dealt you a bad hand? Know what? You are in good company. Everyone has their share of troubles.

If I Had 24 Hours To Live

A few years back, the ex-recording artist, turned Pastor, turned recording artist again, Mase, had a record out called ?If I Had 24 hours to live??

Comment on Extra Ordinary Men of Our Time

Remember during the missions of Apollo. And others we knew every astronaut by name, we made them heroes. We celebrated their bravery. And they were brave too. If you ever get to Alamogordo Space Museum, Lyndon B Johnson Space Center in Houston or Kennedy Space Center and Museum in FL and look at the little tuna cans these guys went up in space in you then know just how brave they were. If you get a chance go to the Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson AZ and look at the old brave technology you will simply want to relive a little of American technology, guts, glory and challenge.

Regret or Passion? Which Will Be Yours?

I once attended a retreat on how to live with passion and fulfill one?s life?s work. The facilitator posed the question, ?If money was not an issue, yet you had to work full-time, what would you do?? Answering this question was a turning point for me. Now - years later - I am doing much of what came up in my answer.

Motivation By Daily Applause

One of our most powerful psychological needs is the craving to be appreciated by our fellow humans. Often the quickest way to receive the applause we desire is to keep working hard without it. Those who work hard on their own in private usually end up receiving applause in public. Just the thought of this future applause can provide powerful motivation.

8 Super Ways To Avoid Procrastination

We are all guilty of delaying what needs to be done at sometime or another; so learning ways of how to avoid procrastination is beneficial to everyone.

Why Now Is The Perfect Moment For You To Succeed

Letīs discover the importance of balancing preparation, timing and momentum. Itīs critical if you want to finally beat procrastination.

4 Secret Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Ever wonder how to stop procrastinating?

3 Clever Ways To Stop Procrastinating

Stopping procrastination can be challenging, especially since you can't put it off until tomorrow! Most people who procrastinate did not do so overnight. Like any other bad habit, procrastination starts small and builds itself up.

2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination

Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face those fears in order to move forward in our lives.

How to Stay Motivated Until You Get What You Want

And somehow you knew how to stay motivated...

5 Forgotten Secrets to Beating Procrastination at Home

It's not easy to stay motivated and beat procrastination while being at home. Too many distractions and feeling that tasks can always be delayed until tomorrow or the next day can cause procrastination at home to set in.

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