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Sales Management Information

The Hardest Job Of A Trade Show

You?ve heard this before: There were four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

Sacking Clients: Brand Power Wheel

Remember in the last message we talked about your directional pipeline and how sometimes you'll be approached by prospects who just don't fit with what you want to achieve? We looked at the different types of prospect - Desperate, Curious, and Inspired.

Accepting Responsibility for Your Sales Success

That we live in a time of relentless and pervasive change is no longer news to anyone. There is one important implication of this situation that continues to be a challenge. That is that our employees need to continually change their behavior to adapt to the world around them.

Rotten to the Core: The Story of How the Best and Brightest can be Ruined

The objective of an incentive is to incite action within an organization using a device or mechanism that that allows the rewarding or recognition of behaviors. This can be accomplished by offering preferential treatment, money, privileges, promotions, verbal praise, or complements. With that states, I suggest the answers to the questions above are:

The Hidden Competition: Avoiding the 2 Most Common Competitors

There are really only two types of competitor:

Moving a Business Relationship from Free to Fee: Turning Strangers to Friends with Power of Freebies

In the last issue I shared with you a technique for getting permission to follow up with people who have seen you speak on stage. This was just one example of a tactic for filling your pipeline.

When Its DUH? Time at Trade Show - 3 Little Words Save the Day

TIME, MONEY, HASSLE - You can make a sale on one of the Three Little Words, but when you sell on two of the three, you?ll have a very loyal client.

The Differences Between A Commercial Collections Agency & Lawyer

If your letter writing and phone calls have all failed to resolve a debt issue, it is time to call in a professional - a commercial collection agency or a lawyer specializing in commercial debt collection.

How to Develop a Proactive, New-Business Sales Team!

I don't know about your business but in my experience proactive, positive, consistent new business winners are the holy grail of any sales organisation. All of my clients have their own unique ways of motivating, managing and running their sales teams yet they all have problems from time keeping those teams on target and ?up for it!? In this article I am going to cover the core fundamentals of How to Develop a Proactive, New-Business Sales Team. These are the same strategies and techniques that I have used to help many of my clients explode their personal and their team?s sales. These strategies all combine an exciting and proven mix of attitudinal, skills and structural development that really works and what's more they?re fun so your staff will want to use them!

Sex, Drugs, & Rock-n-Roll at Trade Shows

Here?s the Scenario...

Investing in Your Sales Team

While there's no easy answer to this question, there are a few basic points, known as the Training Discrepancy Model, which illustrate key areas that must be targeted for your company's training investment to be 100% effective.

6 Common Mistakes in the Sales Hiring Process

Is lack of sales results, more sales training costs, months ofunearned salary and damage to your company?s image orreputation your company?s method of NOT finding goodsalespeople? For most companies it is!

How Exhibitors Can Move More Attendees Closer to Buying

Q. What's the single, biggest change exhibitors can make to move more prospects closer to a buying?

Do You Know How to Fire Up Your Sales Staff (When Money Isnt Everything)?

Money is the only thing that motivates a salesperson, right? Well, maybe it is time to give your sales staff a little more credit.

Five Steps to Maximize Success in Targeting For Growth

Targeting is the process of selecting high potential customer accounts to receive intense sales focus. Goal setting translates that high potential into achievable numeric objectives, i.e. revenue and margin growth.

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