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Poor Performance - Fix it by Coaching

Coaching is about finding out the cause of poor performanceor behaviour and discussing with the team member how to putit right.

The team member might respond immediately to coaching andimprove the situation. However the improvement wont alwaysbe permanent and you may have to do further coaching.

When I suggest this to some managers, they see it as somekind of touchy-feely softly-softly approach. Let me assureyou right now - it's not! It's about telling the team member what part of theirbehaviour you're unhappy with, listening to what they haveto say and agreeing a way forward.

The goal is to achieve a change in behaviour that the teammember is committed to and helps you achieve your outcomes.

Coaching benefits

Think of a time when somebody, a teacher, parent, boss, -coached, taught or encouraged you get better at something.When I ask this question on a seminar I get responses suchas - "I felt good - inspired - motivated - pleased -confident - want to do better."This is what you're aiming for in your team

1 More productive behaviour - The first objective ofcoachingis to resolve the poor behaviour. If it's done properly thenthat's what you'll achieve. However there are otherbenefits.

2 The team member knows what's expected - Coaching allowsyouto make it very clear to your team members what is expectedof them. Many mangers fall into the trap of "assuming" thatthe team member knows what's expected. This is the cause ofmany examples of poor behaviour. The team member didn't know- "reports had to be submitted by the 15th of the month."They didn't know - "they could give the customer their moneyback." Didn't know - "they had to be on time for themeeting." Coaching allows you to calmly and clearly, makeclear what's expected.

3 The team member is motivated to change - The only realmotivation is internal motivation. Coaching allows you tocreate the environment where the team member makes thedecision to change for themselves. This means that they'remore committed to the change and it's more likely to happen.It's also easier on you because you don't have to "drive"the person to make the changes.

4 They know you care - If you coach, in the way we're comingon to look at, your people will see you as supportive andunderstanding. They'll know that you're not just "picking"on them and that you're looking for a win-win situation.

5 It ensures a happy and motivated team - That means betterresults, you achieving your outcomes and there's much lessstress all round.

6 Less warning interviews - If you coach poor behaviour asandwhen it occurs then you're likely to have far fewer warninginterviews. The manager who ignores poor behaviour, lets the situation build up and then finds himself in the 'warning' situation.

Discover how you can generate more business by motivatingyour team!Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Salesby Motivating Your Team" This book is packed with practicalthings you can do to get the best out of your people . Click here now

© Athifea Distribution LLC - 2013