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Pregnancy Information

Pregnancy Week By Week

There are three stages of pregnancy. These are the first, second and third trimesters. The first trimester runs from week one to week fourteen, the second covers weeks 15 ? 26, then the third is weeks 27 ? 40.

Pregnant Running: Expectant Runners Share Stories and Advice

When I became pregnant I planned to run throughout my pregnancy. I was addicted to running, had a low-risk pregnancy, and knew women were training through all nine months. I was sure I could manage to go out and jog a few miles each day.

Morning Sickness Survival Tips

"Just eat a few saltines and you'll be ok".

Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk

It is commonly recognized that breast milk is the best possible nutrition for an infant and more and more women are choosing to breastfeed their babies. But what happens if breastfeeding is not possible? Many people would suggest that the only alternative is to bottle feed formula. But, due to the improvement in breast pumps over the past decade or so, an increasing number of women are making the decision to exclusively pump breast milk for their babies.

Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk: Why Women Do It

Exclusively pumping breast milk is best thought of as an alternative to formula feeding. While there are some women who decide to exclusively pump even before their babies are born, they are by far the minority. Instead, most women who exclusively pump fully intended to breastfeed and believe strongly in the benefit and value of breast milk. When confronted with difficulties or situations that make breastfeeding difficult or impossible, these women turn to the use of a breast pump to ensure their babies receive breast milk.

The Sleepless Challenge

For me, it was ?welcome to motherhood?. Ready or not, I was in for a wonderful experience. But my first challenge was to overcome the first few months of literally no sleep. It was my first baby, and I felt the pressure of doing everything ?just right?. I wanted to be a perfect mom. But I quickly learned that parenting was going to be a lifelong journey and that I would make plenty of mistakes along the way.

Pregnancy And Celiac Disease

If you have celiac disease and are well controlled because you stick rigidly to a gluten-free diet, you are as likely as anyone who has not got celiac disease to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Is Pregnancy Changes You?

People say pregnancy is a fun and exciting time. Probably they are right, but don?t you think that behind the fun and excitement, you also feel the changes in your body. Any woman who has ever been pregnant knows that changes come with the nine months as the "Baby Carrier."

Why Pregnant Women Get Stressed and Depressed?

If you are a pregnant mother or soon will be, this is the most important reality you going to face. You will get stress and depress. Why? The physical and mental changes of a pregnant woman can affect her stress levels-especially since she is forced to see herself in a new light. The woman who was once the prettiest girl at the dance may have turned into a sluggish, chubby grouch seemingly overnight. In her mind, she sees herself as ugly and dumpy, even though others just see her beautiful motherly glow.

Chill Out, Mama! Four Tips on Managing Stress in Pregnancy

One of the best gifts you can give your baby and yourself is a calm, clear mind and a relaxed body and nervous system. Why? Your unborn baby receives chemical messages through the bloodstream through that amazing organ we call the placenta. It’s really a neglected little miracle, that placenta; it provides nourishment for your developing baby for months on end. Make sure that the hormones you send to your little one are mainly loving and peaceful ones. This is not meant to give anyone a guilt trip! Au contraire, this brief article will clue you in on a few small steps you can take to help manage stress while expecting.

After Birth Weight Control

After having given birth; weight becomes a lasting issue for many women.

Fetal Development Month by Month

Month 1: Your first month of pregnancy your baby will accomplish many things, first and foremost, conception, fertilization, and implantation. After a woman ovulates, the egg is normally fertilized within 24-48 hours. The single fertilized cell begins to rapidly divide and at this point in time is called a zygote. Many amazing things happen at fertilization. Your baby's entire physical attributes are determined including gender, hair color, and eye color. Between days 7-10 from fertilization implantation usually occurs. Implantation should occur within the uterus if it does not this is considered an ectopic pregnancy. The amniotic sac, umbilical cord and yolk sac are already beginning to form. By the end of this month your baby is approximately 2mm long and beginning early stages of development.

Very Early Symptoms of Pregnancy - Do You Know These Very Early Pregnancy Signs?

Very early symptoms of pregnancy -- what are they? If asked, most women remember their very early pregnancy signs if they have been pregnant before. Some women can detect the moment they begin ovulating, while many women cannot tell when or if they have ovulated. Often, women can detect when the fertile days of their cycle have ended. Some women can detect the moment they have become pregnant. And for others, one of the more accurate inexpensive home pregnancy tests is the only reliable way to know that the very early symptoms of pregnancy you are having mean you really are pregnant.

Pregnancy and Tanning Bed - Think Before You Tan

With summer coming near, you would love to put on those cute maternity sun dresses, however you do not wish to show off your pale white skin. You may be asking yourself if tanning while having a baby inside you is a smart move?

Planned Parenthood Prevents Teen Pregnancy

Planned Parenthood is an alternative for teenagers when they do not know where else to turn. They offer education on parenting, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted teen pregnancy precautions and offer support for individuals who want to terminate their pregnancy. Teens are provided guidance and education from trained staff members rather than receiving all their information about sex from their peers.Many Parents Are Against Planned ParenthoodMany parents are against their children seeking out the services in Planned Parenthood facilities, feeling it promotes sex rather than abstinence. Typically parents opposed to Planned Parenthood are parents who do not educate their children on the risks of engaging in sex. They promote abstinence without discussing any other options with their children. Planned Parenthood provides education about the dangers of engaging in sex as well as options should the teen choose to engage in sexual activity.Many Teenagers Feel Safer Talking To A Planned Parenthood Staff MemberMany teenagers feel safer talking to a Planned Parenthood staff member about sexual relationships rather than with their parents. It is surprising to hear that many teenagers have not discussed sex with their parents. When asked where they go to find their information the majority of the teenagers say their peers.For pregnant girls who are too afraid to approach their parents, the staff at a Planned Parenthood facility offers a supportive environment for anyone who is questioning whether or not to go through with their pregnancy. Many teenage girls find the facility non judgmental and easier to discuss all their available options.Planned Parenthood Coming To A School Near You!Planned Parenthood has facilities throughout the country. Some schools also encourage staff members from Planned Parenthood to come to their schools to educate students about the dangers of engaging in unprotected sex. With the education the facilities provide, more teenagers are aware of all their options and therefore tend to make more informed decisions about sex. Armed with more knowledge teenagers are better equipped to make intelligent decisions about sex. Whether a teenager chooses to abstain from sex or use protection, every parent generally agrees that a decline in overall teenage pregnancies is in everyone's best interest. I encourage parents and teens to seek out the services of Planned Parenthood, as parent and child alike would benefit from the education these facilities provide. If you are a parent having a difficult time talking to your child about sex, contact the Planned Parenthood facility nearest you.

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