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Why Should We Get Kittens as Pets?
Kittens are and have always been adorable creatures. Of course, these youngsters are also playful, naughty and mischievous as well. Perhaps that's the reason why people are attracted to them, as they entertain us with their peculiar antics and curiosity. Cats and dogs have been found torelieve humans of stress and make great companions at home. Of course,choosing between a cat and a dog is totally a personal choice. Why should we get akitten then? Well, for one thing, they are cute and adorable and areless active as compared to dogs. They recognize us as their masters butdo not overly show their enthusiasm like dogs. That's whythey make you work for their affection all the time, instead of theother way around. Kittens are small in sizeand therefore easy to carry around. This makes it easy for you to takeyour cat around in your car or when you need to take your cat with yououtside. However, cats and kittens have tendencies to seek ways toescape from your home and therefore this may prove to a problem if yourcat keeps trying to make its way out of your house. With this, manyowners let their cats roam in and out of their houses, and most of thetime, their pets return home on time for dinner. Sometimes, they evenbring home their own prey for dinner. Kittens and cats burytheir own waste in the sand box, so that you don't have totake after them, unlike dogs. They can be trained to use the sand boxwhich you just need to have a change of sand once in a while. On theother hand, kittens also each much less than dogs, and therefore costless in maintenance. They are usually non-aggressive, and will be lesslikely to bite anyone. However, they may get irritated with humanbehavior and sometimes may want to be left alone. With this, they canscratch with their sharp claws if they are not happy. Kittens can't be trainedbe trained. They just won't listen. That is why you will notneed to send your cat to cat school to be trained. This will also meanthat you don't have to spend money getting your cat trained.Cats and kittens also do not bark and therefore are suitable forapartment or condominiums where they won't even wake up theneighbours. One thing about cats istheir nature to wander around their neighborhood which may get theminto trouble sometimes. With this, they may get knocked down by a caror be involved in accidents. Apart from this, cats also can get sick,especially when they wander outside and eat material from outside thehome. You will then need to pay for your cat's medical bills,although it will not cost you as much if you were to have a dog. Finally, kittens do notneed you to exercise them like dogs. They don't need to betaken out for walks and they don't make demands on you aswell. They live their own lives, but do need to be pat once in a while.If you are a cat person, you will definitely understand them! Look atthe adorablecute little kittens and cats! Mary Majorda of California has lived along with kittens since as longas she can remember. She got her 1st kitten at the age of 2 as abirthday gift from her dad and since then she hasn't partedfrom cats and kittens. Besides having a family of a husband, 2 kids and4 kittens, her love for them has pursued her to become a vet.
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RecoveryPets.Com Dispels The Myths In a recent discussion about pet safety, the services provided by a website entitled RecoveryPets.Com was compared to microchips and tattoos, and were they a better option to providing identification for pets. During this discussion a lot of statements were made and taken for fact, but here we will dispel some of those myths. Cat Arthritis Cat arthritis is not a very common ailment among healthy cats. Most arthritis found in cats is from an accident that has made the bones or joints weak. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and there is more than one type of arthritis that can affect your cat. What Are The 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse? Most people who have horses would like to develop a qualityrelationship with their horse, but only achieve mediocrity,often accepting this as a good result. Why, because theyput there efforts into becoming experts at riding orshowmanship when they really need to be focusing on becominghorseman. First you need to develop a base a startingpoint you can build on, a base involving both the horse andyou, developing a life long partnership. Tips that May Help Your Arthritic Dog Arthritis refers to inflammation or swelling in a joint. The cause can be abnormal bone or joint development, instability of the surrounding ligaments and tendons, damage or injury to the joint, an infection, or injury caused by the immune system. While anti-inflammatory medicines are popular treatments for arthritis, another approach involves protecting the cartilage in the joint and "nourishing" the joint. Starting a Home-Based Pet Related Business If you're contemplating the idea of starting a home-based business here are some facts you should know: Golden Moments and Dog Training Let me introduce my dogs. I have 3, Nikki and Benny are my therapy dogs, and Dukie is my blind dog. Nikki is a 1 1/2 year golden retriever and Benny is my 5 year old black lab. Dukie is now 10 years and also a black lab. The Joy Of Having Puppies! One of the greatest thrills for a little boy or girl is having new puppies in the home. Puppies, dogs and having a puppy bring a sense of well being and comfort to people of all ages, whether young or old. They provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn the skills necessary in raising and caring for a new born animal. We all know that one day even a cute little puppy will grow into a large, mature dog. Yet, while they're young, with that soft fur and large clumsy feet, puppies have a way of endearing themselves to us. Dog Travel - Taking a Vacation with Your Dog Like most dog owners, you probably take your dog with you on weekend excursions and trips to the country. When it comes time to take a longer vacation, however, we always face the dilemma of what to do with Fido. Dog Grooming and Dog Care Dog grooming is relatively simple for most dogs. I have a greyhound and spend about 5 minutes per day on dog grooming. For dogs that have short hair, they need to be brushed, maybe once per week. For dogs with long hair, the grooming is more time consuming. This is an important consideration when selecting a breed. Beyond regularly brushing your dog's coat and giving him or her periodic baths, you may want to consider a few other things. DOG ID TAGS-Identify and Protect Your Dog With Any of These Methods The American Humane Society estimated that last yearalone; fifteen million dogs entered its shelters. Not eventwenty percent of these dogs' owners were ever contacted.They had no identification. It only proves that no matterhow much you love your dog, no matter how much youspend on training and no matter many measures you take toensure your pet's happiness; it could all go down the drain ifyour pet is ever recovered away from home without properidentification. Positive Dog Training Methods Dog training can provide a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Every dog should know at least the basics for living with people: come, sit, stay, don't jump up on people, and so on. Beyond the basics, there is an endless variety of things you and your dog can enjoy doing together. Dogs who are a joy to be with have much more flexibility in what they can do with humans, and so they have more fun. Positive dog training methods are often easier to use, as well. What You Should Know About Dog Health Care Our dogs are now, more than ever, a very important part of our families. We care for them as we care for ourselves. That includes taking a greater interest in our dogs' health care. In response, there have been many advances in dog health care in recent years: Chinese Shar Pei Character If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, the first impression might just as well be that of a kind, though independent, even arrogant clodhopper. Indeed, these dogs are often arrogant with strangers. And of course, this makes people think that Shar Pei is smarter than it looks. But under the mask of arrogance and indifference hides a mischievous soul of a natural-born clown. It is in domestic surroundings that these dogs reveal their true character, their numerous faces and aspects of mood. Each of them is truly individual and a great wonder to discover. This is what makes Shar Pei so capable of true and loyal friendship unlike many other pets. Doggy Dental Care: Teeth Cleaning 101 Your dog's dental health is so important for his total well-being... and for guaranteeing him a long and happy life. So don't give him the brush-off! Make tooth cleaning a daily ritual that your dog will look foward to as something the two of you do together. Canine Distemper What is Canine Distemper? How To Grow Daphnia For The Aquarium The benefits of feeding live food to fish in a community tank are many: live food will improve vigor and color, and more closely resemble the food found in the fish's natural habitat. Live food is easily obtained. Goldfish Outdoors How do you build a goldfish pond outdoors? ![]() |
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