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Motivation Information

Have You Just Hit The Wall?

Have you hit the 'brick wall' yet?

Speed Reading Technique

Four Brilliant Tips to Speed Read Faster than Ever

Boost Your Bottom Line by Asking Powerful Questions

"He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers."-African Proverb

A Book Review: Great Resource for Group Facilitation

Anyone who is a leader or member of a group and wants to get things accomplished knows that there are many issues and challenges that groups commonly face as they seek to find creative solutions, launch new initiatives, and create high performing teams.

4 Qualities of Highly Successful People

What if you can be, do or have anything you want, what would you desire in your life?

Life Doesnt Have A Sell By Date

Or does it?

Self Confidence : The Importance of Will-Power

The importance of will-power is recognized by most men, yet few deliberately give any time or thought to its development. Why we resist one thing and yield to another may be due to "the strongest motive," but what more particularly concerns us in the study of self-confidence is in what way this mighty power can be built and directed.

Why it Pays to Have a Definite Life Purpose

When was the last time you were asked, what is your "Definite Life Purpose"?

Prime That Pump! Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we talked about reaching our goals as largely a matter of following through on desire, vision and action. The difficulty for most of us lies in continuing to believe that our efforts will ever bear fruit when these fruits have not yet begun to materialize.

Prime That Pump! Part 3

How healthy is your vision of yourself? How does your mental image of yourself stack up against that of, say, some hero of yours? Let?s find out.

Your Life Story: Whatcha Gonna Do? Write Your Life Story NOW before Its Too Late!

Imagine this scene: Project yourself into the future. You are 87 years old and sitting on the couch in the living room of your house. Sitting around you are your grand children and their children too. The smaller ones and maybe even some of the older ones ask you to tell them a story. They enjoy your stories. And of course you are more than happy to oblige them. Then after all, this is your family! Your offspring! You?ve told them many stories over the years. This time, however, they want you to tell them a different story. The story they want to hear this time, and everyone seems particularly primed to hear, is the story of your life. They are all waiting eagerly for you to begin.

Discover The Upside of Anger

Most of us are prone to anger! As we grow older, a certain degree of control keeps us in check, but the pot is on simmer and the lid is loosely fixed. An unexpected jolt, or a sudden increase in heat will nearly always result in a boiling cauldron.

Making Things Happen

We are all given the tools, but it is up to us what we decide to build and how magnificent it will be.Steven Ferrel

How to Eat an Elephant

I recently returned from a wonderful vacation in the U.S. Ispent some time with my family, visited some friends, andspent three weeks in Alaska, climbing Mt. McKinley. Mt. McKinley,or Denali, is the highest mountain in North America. Before I started the climb, I asked a climber who had justflown off the mountain if he had any last-minute advice."Climb one day at a time," he said wisely.

Five Mores to Enhance Your Performance

When you think about the most successful, happy, fulfilled people you know, you could probably identify some characteristics these people have in common. If we were sitting together, I?m sure we could build a nice list of these characteristics, attributes, habits and attitudes.

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