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Leadership Information

Two Leadership Traps: How To Avoid Them and How To Get Out Of Them (Part 2)

Here's how to get out of, or avoid, the "I need ... " trap. It simply involves changing what you think and what you say in very simple ways.


Webster's defines leadership as : ?1. the office of position of a leader, 2. capacity to lead, 3. the act of instance of leading, 4. LEADERS.? Dale Carnegie, founder of the Dale Carnegie Institute and teacher of leadership skills, defines leadership as a mixture of traits and skills that can be learned and honed. John C. Maxwell, founder of INJOY and professional speaker on leadership, agrees with Carnegie, but further states that there are five levels of leadership with the highest level being attained by only a few people.

Using Your Intuition

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."-Nelson Mandela, Inaugural Speech, 1994

Are You The Most Powerful Leader You Can Be?

As someone who teaches, manages, parents or influences you?ll probably already be aware that powerful leadership is not just about the boss, it?s about the team, irrespective of whether that team is in the classroom, in the office or around your home.

C4 Leadership: Taking Your Leadership (and your Life) from Good...To Explosive!

Chances are if you're interested in this post, you're looking for a few tips to take your leadership and/or your life, up a notch or two. Read on for a few things that have really helped me make my leadership more explosive after first defining what C4 is.

Birth Order - Understand How It Affects Your Personality

?Know thyself? is a powerful principle that leaders, managers and effective people intuitively know.

The Seven Mistakes to Avoid when Organising Your Student Leadership Program

How do you measure the success of a training or teaching program? There are many measures you can use including; focusing on learning outcomes, behavioural change, student engagement and even efficiency of delivery.

Leadership and Power - Being the Boss Doesnt Guarantee Either of Them

Some people mistakenly associate supervisory positions, or seats of power, with leadership. They presume that these two things are synonymous. While this may be the case sometimes, leadership and power are wholly separate. In reality, the boss may not have all of the power, and in fact, may not be capable of handling it, even if he did possess all of it. What do I mean? What is leadership, and what is power? How do they inter-relate? How are power and leadership obtained? Let?s take a look.

Are You A Leader in the Chrysalis?

Let?s get this straight at the outset?

Leadership for the Successful Entrepreneur!

Why talk about leadership??

The Leadership Vacuum

In today?s fast moving, ever changing, and highly competitive world there is a vacuum of leadership. More than ever our government, businesses, religious organizations, and our educational institutions need leaders.

Dream Bigger!

A number of years ago we created a graphic logo based on the phrase Dream Bigger! We produced buttons and t-shirts. I?ve signed letters and emails with this phrase. It is more than a short inspirational phrase. It embodies a truth for all of us as individuals and carries extra importance for us as a leader.

Being Other Focused

In the Wall Street Journal, Franklin Lavin, U.S. Ambassabor to Singapore wrote the Manager's Journal column about some of the things he learned from the late President Reagan while working on his staff.

Leadership and The Dirty Work

The airline, Jet Blue, has been featured in many magazines as a new company that has hard great results and success so far. A lot too has been mentioned about the challenges they face ahead and about the culture they created at the start and are working hard to foster now. One of the many things that sets Jet Blue apart is their focus on teamwork. Here's one example. They have no cleaning crews - every employee on the flight (including pilots and those not working but on the flight) cleans up the plane. This saves time and money - both things very important to any business.

Leadership Training and Character

The vast majority of leadership training available to managers focuses primarily on skill and behaviors: how to delegate, how to communicate, how to manage conflict. These skills are unquestionably important and necessary. However, we maintain there is another important ingredient that has been severely neglected in leadership training, that ingredient is ?character.? Leadership character and its qualities is the focus of our new book and workshop: ?Qualities of Leadership.?

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