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How to Water Your Houseplants Wisely

Over watering ranks first in causes of houseplant demise because it causes roots to rot. Most plants are tough so they can recover from under watering with only the loss of a few leaves -- unless you wait too long and pass the point of no return.

Watering schedules depend on the kind of houseplant, its size,container, and environment. No two plants have the same waterrequirements, so you'll need to know what your particularplant(s) require.

Generally, it's best to water during morning hours. Mostflowering plants require more water than their non-floweringcounterparts. Since the needs of individual plants vary greatly,you should research your houseplant's requirements.

Test dryness of soil by probing the top inch with your finger.Tapping the side of the post also indicates the degree ofwetness. If the tap sounds hollow, the plant needs water. If itsounds solid, wait a day or two to water. If a plant begins towilt and its soil looks dry and cracked, it needs waterimmediately.

For plants that require moderate watering, allow 1/2 to 1-inchof soil to dry out before re-watering. If a plant needs lightwatering, let two-thirds of the soil dry out. For plants thatneed heavy watering, the surface should always be moist.

You can water in several ways. A quick and easy method is towater from the surface with a watering can. Use a long-spoutwater can and water at room temperature. When water escapesthrough the bottom of a pot, the houseplant has had enough.

Pots also may be placed in a tray of water for about half anhour. This allows the soil to draw water in from drainage holes.Some plants, such as ferns, especially like this watering method.

During each watering, use enough water to completely soak thesoil in the pot rather than simply wetting the surface. (Keep inmind when watering that hairy plants, such as African Violets,can be damaged if their leaves get wet).

Tap water is fine for plants, but it's a good idea to let thewater stand in an open container overnight to allow it to cometo room temperature and allow chlorine to evaporate. If your tapwater has a high fluoride content, it is wise to use water fromanother source -- spring, well, rain water, distilled water, orwater that has collected in a dehumidifier. You also can addperlite or limestone to your plant's soil to neutralizefluorides.

More steps to easily care for your house plants can be found at

Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About House Plants Inside This Powerful Guide. Visit House Plant Secrets At:

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