Game Information

A Parents Guide to Online Gaming, Part 1

The internet touches every aspect of your children's lives. Where you might look up an unknown word in a dictionary, your kids are more likely to use Where you use the telephone, they use instant messenger. An even greater difference can be found in how they play games. Where the games of their parent's generation may have involved a board, cards, or at their most sophisticated a console system, the games your children play on the net can be far more complex. They mine gold, spread empires, fight dragons and aliens alone or with tens, hundreds, even thousands of their fellow gamers. All of this makes for a confusing mish mash of names, places, jargon and lingo that can leave you with no idea what your kids are actually doing and a vague feeling of uneasiness that some part of it might not be good for them.

PC Gaming Video: Meeting the Demands

If you have an interest in playing PC games that were made at least in the past couple of years, you?ve probably seen the serious video demands these games now have. It?s not only that you need a fast system that can handle all of the information in today?s games, but you need a major performance video card to handle computer game video too.

A Parents Guide to Online Gaming, Part 2

In part 1 we talked about online gaming and your children, including FPS games and exposure to violent content. We wrap up this week by talking about RTS games, MMORPGs and the additional threats of addiction and social predators.

A Comparison Of the Next Generation Gaming Consoles (Part 2)

Arguably Microsoft can attribute a great deal of its success to the hugely successful online capabilities. The new Xbox 360 will continue with the online feature and develop it even further. Xbox 360 will offer two tiers of online function, silver and gold. With silver being a basic package for users to connect and play online, and gold offering other services such as additional downloads and content.

Playing Games Like Its 80s

Do you miss the good old 80's Amiga and Commodore games? You are not the only one. In fact, creating remakes for popular eighties games is all the rage.

Why We Play Games, Part 1

There exists some ephemeral quality that separates gamers from the rest of humanity, some thing that makes us, us and them, not us. I've never been able to quite put my finger on it, but it is inescapably there. Today, in hopes of moving closer to that essential quality of gamerosity, we examine part of what makes us tick. In particular, we take a look at what draws different types of gamers to the hobby. Every gamer plays for different reasons, but there are common threads that tie the experience together.

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7 Simple Steps to Avoid Being a Newbie in Online Games

It doesn't matter if you are new to online roleplaying games. The road to becoming elite isn't easily traveled. Some will never reach the top of the hill, but you don't have to remain a newbie forever. Learn everything there is to learn about your chosen game - Head to google or your favorite search engine and type "mymmorpg tips" or "mymmorpg strategies" (substitute mymmorpg for the mmorpg you are currently playing). Surf the various websites and look for the best characters to start with, the best way to make money/gain equipment, and the best pvp/pk tactics.As soon as you load the game for the first time, find out all there is to know about the user Interface and the controls. Don't be afraid to ask people in the general area how to do something in game. Speak to people and create a network of friends - Don't spend too much time with people who don't know anything about the game. The best case scenario would be to find an "elite mentor" that can show you all the ropes. Once you have a large enough network of friends, you can join any game you please and have the best of the best as soon as you start.Don't be afraid to die in player versus player combat or player versus environment- Fear will only halt your progress. Find out if you will drop items or not in your chosen game if you die. If you don't, make sure you embrace every pvp encounter you can.Make sure you have a fast computer and internet connection- If you truly want to compete, you simply can't allow your machine to get in the way. If you constantly lag from a slow internet connection or poor hardware, your just asking to be killed. 56k isn't an option. It's 2005... Don't make excuses! - If there is something you don't know, ask someone. If there is something you are not good at, practice until you master it. Are the controls getting in the way? Customize your controls if you can or buy new hardware that will help(4 button optical mice and various peripherals is a start). Make sure you find out the fastest, most efficient way to make currency in your MMORPG. Making money makes all MMORPGs easier; some more than others.Using powerleveling services or buying currency is just a shortcut. It's the equivalent of going to college and paying someone to take all of your classes for you. You may have a degree, but you don't know anything. Some people may use this to play a game that they don't have time to play, which is understandable...but don't expect ANY respect for your actions. Don't bother trying to claim to be an elite veteran either. It will only make you look ignorant. In the mean time, keep grinding, keep killing, and do whatever it takes to remove your "newb" status. Make sure you read more articles like these at:

Securing Your Accounts With Well-Crafted Passwords

In the past I've never really paid much attention to security issues when it comes to user names and passwords. Frankly I figured it was all a lot of overblown hype. This led to an unfortunate incident that involved my website being attacked, apparently by a skillful youth with a propensity for mischief.

The Story Behind OpenSimcity

I've always liked to play SimCity since I was little. I used to play the version for Super Nintendo for hours then and then. That version was really cool. It had 4 seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) and many landscapes, scenarios to choose between. That was a really big hit at the time. It was clearly the most popular videogame.

Why We Play Games, Part 2

Last week we started to get into the motivation of the gamer. We discussed challenge and its ugly stepsister competition, two of the most common motivators. Today, we look at two more on the way to forming an overall model for what moves us.

Best Space Themed Games - Part I

Space? How much we can place where? Incredible words, unknown planets, fantastic creatures.

Improving Spelling with Games

You got it! You can do just about any type of learning for a child or an individual learning a second language through the use of various computer games. You are sure to find something that will fit with their needs. You are also able to find a game that will keep them interested. Let's take spelling as an example.

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