Attraction Information

The Monkey And The Spreadsheet

When the mind was fidgety, like a monkey

You Think That You?re Listening?. But Are You Actually Hearing What Im Saying?

"We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak" ? Epictetus, Greek Stoic Philosopher. (55AD-135AD)

Success Through Authenticity: Harness Your ?Innie? Natural Edge

For any inner-directed individual, much of life feels like you are a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. By forcing them to fit together, the natural edge of the square-peg is shaved off. That natural edge includes all your best traits, such as your intuition, creativity and superb listening skills as well as many other characteristics that make you a joy to be with and know.

Searching for Higher Ground: 24 Hours to a Better Life

There's a moment in one of my favorite films, Searching for Bobby Fischer, where 7-year-old chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin's chess teacher knocks all the pieces off his chess board, in an effort to get him to concentrate deeper on the way the pieces on the board were strategically aligned.

Discover the Magical Power of Pulling Heartstrings ...Its Mindblowing!

I wish you never have to go through that kind of pain!

Aspirations Worth Their Weight in Platinum

"To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improve as well." - Isaac Asimov

The Power of Focusing on What Vs. How

We see it and do it enough times to know just how it works. Resolutions are set, goals written down, strategic action plans put in place. And where does it end up? More often than not, we don?t lose the weight, we don?t keep the budget, we don?t straighten out the relationship ? whatever it is we were after, frustration or despair get in the way and we end up at square one.

Your Mind is a Battlefield

Every person should enjoy life in abundance and prosperity, but unfortunately, too many of God's people are living way below their potential. So many have health issues, broken relationships, and/or no money in their bank account.

Limiting Perceptions and Broadening Horizons

If you live in modern society I'm sure at some point in your life you've sat in a window seat of an airplane looking down at the fluffy blanket of clouds and thought to yourself, 'Wow, it's so big and flat, fluffy and soft, I wonder what it would feel like to lay down on that super-soft mattress.' Well, think about what Socrates, Lao Tsu, Confucius, Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Moses or Mohammed would have thought if they saw the same sight that we pretty much take for granted as 'normality'. Last night I watched a show on TV entitled, "Limits of Perception" that showed our newly discovered microcosms and macrocosms of life with photography from atomic force microscopes up to the Hubble telescope that looks out into the vast Universe. We can now see below the level of atom, creatures one-tenth of a millimeter long that resemble the monsters of our dreams, and thousands of galaxies grouped together in super-clusters (each galaxy containing billions of stars like our own Sun).

Jerry Green?s Top Ten Adversity Busters

I?ve navigated plenty of speed bumps on life?s road. My father?s death led me to an entirely different career than my planned one. My business burned to the ground. Unscrupulous partners left me with a $15 million dollar debt. My doctor diagnosed me with a disease that a year earlier would have meant probable death.

Manifest Your Dreams

For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure. Both of them are viewing the same universe, it is just different because of their perceptions of it and their life experiences.

Etch a Sketch or Oil Painting: Where Do You Need to Take a Stand?

Maybe can be a great place. It?s full of possibility, it can feel like there?s an escape hatch available at all times. Maybe can also be what holds us back the most.

Whos World Is It? The World Is Yours - Invite Success

Who's World Is It?

Choose Your Friends, Choose Your Fate

When I was about 10 years, I got a t-shirt from my uncle and aunt that said "It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're hanging out with a bunch of turkeys." I really didn't know what it meant at the time, so I didn't think anything of it.

The Power of Letting What is Be Okay

Have you been in that ?black hole?? That is the place that is so dark and keeps sucking you in. It can seem like there is no way out, so what is the use of going on.

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