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Stress Management Information

Stress And How To Avoid It

Everyone knows that stress isn't good - that it can get ontop of us and effect our wellbeing. What most people don'trealise is that stress can effect much more than just ourmood or mental state. Stress has been shown to have adetrimental effect on many parts of our body and indeedpeoples health in general.

Stress Busting Strategies

Learn to have healthy relationships:

Are YOU Controlling Stress So Stress Does Not Control YOU?

Have you recently moved or started a new job? Do you feel you have too much to do and not enough time to do them? Do you worry about your financial situation? Do you worry about your future? Do you feel your efforts at work or at home go unappreciated?

Seven Simple Steps to a Stress-Free Start

Most of us lead busy lives, trying to successfully juggle the responsibilities of home and work and personal interests into one cohesive happy life. There is nothing that could better start your busy day than having a smooth stress-free morning. You know the ones where no one raises their voice; no one has to search the bottom of a laundry basket for a matching sock; no one is in a frenzy to get out the door on time.

10 Symptoms of Workplace Stress

It is no secret that stress and related disordersare the most frequent cause of employee disability(National Institute for Occupational Safety andHealth). As far back as 1992, a United Nationsreport called job stress a "world wide epidemic.

Stressed? Go on a Quick Getaway

Did you know that taking a short trip, such as over President's Day weekend, or anytime, can have the same stress-reducing effects as a longer one? According to a Stanford University psychiatrist, David Spiegel, our minds shift into a more relaxed state during the first few days of a trip. When we have been away from home for long trips we tend to slightly increase our stress, or dread, coming back to home or work.

Stress Management Made Simple And Easy...Just Follow Cliff Kuhn M.D.s Foolproof Formula

Stress management is a hot topic; stress-related illness and suffering is at an all-time high in America and increasing every year. Cliff Kuhn, M.D.'s work with the powerful natural medicine of humor has uncovered the primary culprit behind your unhealthy stress symptoms, as well as the solution to simple, healthy stress management.

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Stress, America?s #1 health problem, is a leading cause of major illness. In fact, heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression are just some of the harmful effects of stress. Research has shown that releasing stress and learning how to relax promotes a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Army Ranger Reveals How to Control Corporate Stress

"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." Hans Selye - the "father of stress" and founder of the Canadian Institute of Stress.

Coping With Stress

When something happens in our lives, we automatically assess the situation mentally and try to determine if it is threatening to us. If we feel that we don't have the skills or resources necessary to deal with the situation then we feel stress. We don't feel stress when we think that we have more than enough resources to cope. Not everyone sees a situation in the same way; therefore, no two people react to stress in the same way. I have identified 5 steps for managing stress.

9 Warning Signs of Stress

Stress is the nastiest 4 letter word you ever met. Don?t stress, I know it is six letters but it packs the wallop of the meanest 4 letter word you ever heard.

How to Stop Stress and Overwhelm Quickly!

My work often deals with proactive, preventive means to Overcome Overwhelm & Achieve Your Desired Results. During our transitions, overwhelm can still come up from time to time, so we need to have the tools to stop stress and overwhelm quickly when it does arise.

Stress Relief for Busy Business People - 11 Easy Ways

Make stress less of an issue for you in your work and life, by trying out one or more of these ideas - the list is not exhaustive! Seek out more and share!

Reduce Stress To Maximize Efficiency

The right amount of stress can be good for you, such as when an impending deadline pushes you to work faster. Too much stress, however, becomes conterproductive because you start to make mistakes, become confused and muddled, or lose concentration.

How to Cope With Stress and Strain

Work related tensions, personal issues and abnormal lifestyles are the causes for mental stress and strain. These disorders if not taken care of in time, can have adverse impact on the health and fitness of an individual. Here are few tips to cope with stress and strain. These tips take the premise that idleness causes our thoughts drift towards sad events, work tension, family issues etc. Therefore we have to find ways and means to keep ourselves occupied with stress relieving activities, a few of which are given below.

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