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3 Cs Leaders Must Communicate!

"Of every noble work the silent part is best,Of all expression that which can not be expressed"- William Wetmore Story

What we intend to communicate are the meanings our listenershear.

Every leader has something to say - yet, how many leaderstell those tales that need to be told?

1) Are leaders using the wrong words?

2) Are their words conveying the wrong things?

3) Do they intentionally mean the wrong things?

I believe our leadership communication problem involves anelement of all three.

We hear about leaders in all kinds of endeavors and allwalks of life saying they are being:

=> Misinterpreted

=> Misconstrued

=> Misquoted

=> Misunderstood

=> Misrepresented

It's time to focus on the purposes of a leader's speech - weshould first ask ourselves 'why' leaders need to communicatebefore we attempt to understand what they need to say.

Communicate for Clarity!It's Imperative, Important & Immediate, So Say It!

You must

=> Define,

=> Describe

=> Protect

the integrity, consistency and clarity of your own or thecollective group's agreed-upon

=> intent, purpose, mission, vision, meanings, beliefs,values, relationships and views

"Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basisof moral authority; it is the highest summit of art and oflife" - Henri Frédéric Amiel

Clarity is the consistent communication of truth, purposeand integrity!

Communicate for Commitment!Ask for Their Hope, Faith and Acceptance!

To ensure their commitment, you must

-> facilitate, offer, negotiate and orchestrate the quality,quantity and worthiness of your people's

- trust, emotional investments, common bonds, cultural ties,franchise, loyalty, agreements, engagements, obligations,pledges and covenants

Your meanings, words and intentions must include a seriousconsideration of their

- need for retreat, current positions and stances, theirprivileges and rights, reputation and goodwill, and cravingor hopes for glory.

"Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over theflesh, that is to say over fear: fear of poverty, ofsuffering, of calumny, of illness, of loneliness and ofdeath. There is no real piety without heroism."- Henri Frédéric Amiel

There is no real heroism without courage. There is no realcourage without commitment!

Communicate for Competence!Build It, Strengthen It, Grow It!

Elevate the competence of your people and their work

-> develop, discover, evaluate and strengthen the amount,impact and relevance of the team's

- talents, skills, performances, capabilities, momentum,transcendence, quantum leaps and improvements, capacities,influences, proficiencies, merits, literacy, adaptations andtransformations, suitability, deeds or accomplishments,contributions and investments of time, energies and ideas.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some havegreatness thrust upon 'em" - William Shakespeare

The good leader finds and allows greatness to blossom, thebetter leader encourages greatness to rise-up and assertitself, the greatest leader puts the ordinary into directcontact with greatness!


Use these 3 "C"s in your written and oral, formal orinformal communications. You'll see others respond to yourideas and follow your instructions with more enthusiasm.

I sometimes advise leaders to state the purpose of theirwords first, then provide more details to their audience.For example, tell them you want their commitment, then tellthem why you need it and what you hope to achieve with it.

When it comes to poor or weak communications, don't be avictim or perpetrator!

Use your leadership opportunities to clearly, passionatelyand capably communicate your true intentions - you can do itbecause you want to, you believe you can and you are capableof doing it well!

"Art is a human activity having for its purpose thetransmission to others of the highest and best feelings towhich men have risen." - Count Leo Tolstoy

Use the art of purposeful leadership communications toelevate, encourage and empower your people to superiorlevels of performance!

Copyright © 2005, Mustard Seed Investments, Inc.,All rights reserved.

Bill Thomas publishes leadership skills training books,materials & programs like, "Your Leadership-UltraNet!" -this premier Performance Empowerment System helps youthink-like, act-like, behave-like, believe-like &manage-like highly effective leaders - Learn more here:

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