Ways to Treat Baldness

So, you've just looked in the mirror and realized that your hair line is receding. You can no longer ignore the layers of hair on your pillow each morning and you can't blame the shower clogging on your significant other any more. You're losing your hair! You're going bald! How will you deal with it?

It's normal. Yes, it may be a bit embarrassing at first, and probably a blow to the ego. However, just be glad you live in the 21st century. You won't be relegated to sporting a shiny top for the rest of your life; there are options - and one to surely fit your lifestyle and budget.

First off, most everyone who has a TV can't help but to have heard a commercial or two about Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasterida (Propecia). Both of these prescription medications have been used quite effectively to slow down the loss of hair. In some individuals, Rogaine has helped to actually stimulate hair re-growth but this exciting phenomenon doesn't occur in all cases. The key to using both of these medications is early detection.

Hair transplants and surgical procedures are another, albeit more expensive and drastic, form of treating baldness. Some individuals choose to use a hair graft, taking sections of the scalp skin containing hair and moving them to regions without hair.

Others opt to have a scalp reduction performed thus decreasing the amount of scalp that is hairless. The areas with hair are then stretched to cover up the regions where the hairless scalp was removed.

Other less invasive and expensive forms of living with baldness include hair weaves, hairpieces, specific styling techniques and hair care products.

In today's day and age there are enough options for alopecia that anyone with this condition who so desires can choose one that's right for them.

Rachel Dayer runs and operates http://www.mustask.com, a health related portal.

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