Write Goals, Say Prayers, and See Your Successful Future

Would you like to have more success in your life?Yes, I'm sure that you do! That being the case, Ihave an invitation and a challenge for you. Areyou up for it? Okay, here we go?

We are all multi-sensory beings, meaning that weall have the sensory connections through seeing,tasting, smelling, speaking, hearing and feeling.These are all separate channels that activatedifferent parts of the brain. The more of ourbrain that is awakened, or activated, the moreplaces in our brain we are imprinting messages.

The key to being successful is to believe in yoursuccess and act upon that belief. Many peoplehinder their success because they don't believe inthemselves, and therefore, they do not take theactions that would lead to successful outcomes andsuccessful results. But you're different,right??!!

So, this is what to do to imprint success messagesand motivators in and on your brain, andtherefore, into your life:

1.) Write and recite the primary goals of yourlife everyday. Write 1 or 2 goals from each of themajor areas of your life (social, financial,physical, spiritual, etc.) everyday and recitethem out loud. Put you hand on your heart as ifyou are making a pledge to yourself. In doing soyou are activating the channels of touch, voiceand hearing, all of which simultaneously arescribing your goals on your brain. When your goalsare already there, you are more likely to believethem and therefore accomplish them.

2.) Say your prayers out loud everyday. Once againyou are activating both your voice and yourhearing channels, plus you are connecting with TheDivine intentionally. Say your prayers as if theyare being fulfilled. Example: "Oh Great Spirit ofLife, I know that you will empower me today toovercome all obstacles that might come my way;that you will point out all the beauty in everyperson and in every moment; and that you willremind me to let go of all attachments I mighthave from the past or to the future, all so I maybe more present today to life and fulfill myDivine purpose and mission." No asking, butrather, a knowing that it is already done.

3.) Visualize your future. Our minds have greatdifficulty distinguishing the difference betweenwhat is real and what is imagined. It thinks it'sall real. Therefore, when you visualize exactlywhat it is that you want in your life, your mindthinks it is reality and you automatically createa positive connection with your desired future.You actually build your confidence and belief inyourself and in your future by doing this. Youopen the door of success and invite success intoyour life by using your inner eyes?the power ofvisualization!

There you have it, 3 easy steps to success.Practice these everyday, just like brushing yourteeth. Make this your "mental floss" and preventany positive decay or cavities of negativity ordoubt from growing in your brain.

Write it, say it, see it and live it: Your success!!

Ken Donaldson has been based in Tampa Bay offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. He founded The REALationship Coaching programs to provide coaching and education for singles and couples so they may live more fulfilling lives, and have the most intimate and lasting relationships possible. Visit his website at http://www.REALationshipCoach.com for more information and to get his free e-program Illuminations and Sparks of Brilliance. He is the author of the upcoming book Marry YourSelf First!

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